Monster Town is a board game spinoff from Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. K8C used a big and bold illustrative style to infuse each character with its own personality and to strike the perfect balance between spooky and whimsical. The packaging art inspires the imagination and stands apart from other games on store shelves or the coffee table at home. The vibrant characters and elaborate illustrations make Monster Town as much of a joy to look at as it is to play.
Monster Town is a board game spinoff from Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. K8C used a big and bold illustrative style to infuse each character with its own personality and to strike the perfect balance between spooky and whimsical. The packaging art inspires the imagination and stands apart from other games on store shelves or the coffee table at home. The vibrant characters and elaborate illustrations make Monster Town as much of a joy to look at as it is to play.
We think Monster Town is a game that is meant to be played, if you’re interested in
making Monster Town a reality, we’d love to hear from you.
TEAM Kate Chuang
Zack Fu Christine George
TEAM Kate Chuang Zack Fu Christine George
Art Direction, Packaging Design, Illustration Design Consultant Creative Direction